What Is Juneteenth? & Why It's So Important

What Is Juneteenth? & Why It's So Important

What Is Juneteenth? & Why It's So Important

Snatched Body has more to offer than flat tummies and snatched bodies!

Juneteenth is a holiday that celebrates Black History and the effective end of slavery. So, this June 19th, we are celebrating its first anniversary as an official Federal Holiday in the U.S.

Juneteenth is an important holiday for the recovery of our country and the continued progress toward racial equality. At Snatched Body, we think it’s important that our readers are aware of the importance of this holiday, so we wanted to uncover the history behind the date and what it means for the evolution of modern society.

The History & Struggles of the Black Community

Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered in Virginia in April 1865. However, it wasn’t until June 19th that year that marked the transformation the country desperately needed. It was the day that federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people were freed because the state wasn’t following the new law.

Abraham Lincoln

You may or may not be aware of Abraham Lincoln’s involvement in ending slavery, but he issued The Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863. This document forever changed our country and how we saw the unity between all racial backgrounds in our country.

However, there were a few problems with The Emancipation Proclamation. Here are a few:

  • It was only valid in areas under Confederate control.
  • It left out parts of the Confederacy that were already under Northern control.
  • Its expansive wording couldn’t change these two facts.

The Proclamation seemingly had good intentions, but it left a lot to be desired in execution. That’s why it wasn’t until June 19th, 1865, that slaves were named free in America.

june 19

That’s right. It’s been 150+ years since the issuance of this proclamation, and our country has made a statement in its progression towards equality by recognizing Juneteenth as a Federal holiday. So let’s focus on all the good it brings to the black community in America today.

The Benefits of Juneteenth in America Today

federal holidayThe holiday is an important reminder of the progress we strive for and are making.

Before the day became an official holiday, many accredited Abraham Lincoln for ending slavery, and that was that. However, there were many moving parts, and it took more than just the president to accomplish such a feat. Most people weren’t even aware of how important June 19th, 1865 was for this country until last year, when the day became official.

The time for America to celebrate black culture is way overdue, but Juneteenth was a huge step that had a ripple effect throughout the country and continues to have. We have seen tremendous growth toward racial unity and acceptance in this country within the last year. And as Juneteenth approaches for the first anniversary of the holiday, Snatched Body wants us all to celebrate as loudly as we can!